Each year, the City provides the Consumer Confidence Report to inform our water customers about the quality of water being provided. The City is proud to report that in 2017, the City’s water met or surpassed all health-based drinking water standards. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State Water Resources Control Board prescribe regulations that limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by a public water system. To ensure compliance with these regulations, the City contracts with certified laboratories to perform water quality testing and provides monthly water quality reports to the State Water Resources Control Board. The Consumer Confidence Report includes tables containing detailed information on the results of the water quality testing. As shown in the Report, the City’s water met or surpassed the primary drinking water standards (mandatory health related standards) as well as the secondary drinking water standards (aesthetic standards). The full report can be viewed at https://goo.gl/TRzi7u. Please contact the Public Works Department at (310) 325-7110 with any questions.
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