On October 14, the City of Lomita received a letter from the State Water Resources Board expressing support for the City’s proposal to install a Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration system at the Cypress Water Production Facility. The City has submitted the letter to the Water Replenishment District as an update to its grant application, bringing the City one step closer to securing grant funding for the new filtration system.
The City is seeking grant funding to offset the cost of a GAC secondary filtration system, which will enable the City to remove benzene and improve the aesthetic qualities of the City’s drinking water and bring the Cypress Water Production Facility back into service. Since May 2019, when benzene was detected above the maximum contaminant level in the City’s Well No. 5, the City of Lomita has been importing all of its water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
“We have been committed to making these upgrades to our water system since 2017, when we identified the GAC filtration system as the best option for improving our water’s aesthetics. Now, since the benzene detection in May 2019, the new filtration system is even more critical,” said City Manager Ryan Smoot. “I’m hopeful that we can secure grant funding and make the necessary upgrades at little or no cost to our community.”
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