As part of our commitment to open and transparent operation of the City’s water system, the City of Lomita recently kicked off a series of one-hour evening and weekend tours of the Cypress Water Production Facility (CWPF), open to residents and business owners in the Lomita area. The tours are an opportunity for residents to get answers to some common water questions and to discuss the City’s water supply and upcoming projects and programs.
The first tour took place on October 8 and was led by City Manager Ryan Smoot and Public Works Director Carla Dillon. During the tour, participants received a firsthand look inside the facility and learned about its history and purpose. They observed how the CWPF infrastructure treats groundwater from Well No. 5 and blends it with imported water purchased from West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD) to successfully supply water to much of the City. They also participated in a demonstration with water service professionals of the rigorous state-mandated sampling and testing requirements of our water at various points of the water production and distribution process.
“I think everybody who has a concern should probably come and see how this really works,” said Brenda Stephens, a Lomita resident who participated in the tour and felt that it demonstrated the City’s willingness to listen to the community. “I tell people to call the city and tell them your concerns, They do listen, and that’s important.”
Some residents have had questions about the City’s water supply due to a recent detection of benzene at the CWPF and the identification and investigation of a pollution plume that originated from the area west of Crenshaw Blvd. in the City of Torrance. With the detection of benzene at the City’s groundwater source, the City immediately transitioned to its backup water supplies and CWPF is currently offline. The City is providing water to its residents through 100% imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of LA (via West Basin Municipal Water). While imported water is more costly than local production, the City’s primary goal is always to ensure the health and safety of our drinking water sources. The City has submitted a request to the State Division of Drinking Water to request approval of a Granular Activated Carbon filtration system to not only remove benzene but to address residents’ questions regarding the aesthetic qualities of our water at the same time.
“Nothing is more important to the community than the water we drink, and I want to reassure Lomita residents that the City’s drinking water is safe,” said City Manager Ryan Smoot. “I encourage our residents to come participate in these tours to learn more about the City’s water supply, production and treatment as well as the important role local groundwater plays in Lomita’s water future.”
To register for a tour, visit or contact the City’s Public Works Department at 310-325-7110 x155. You will be placed on the interest list and contacted to confirm your tour date with additional details and directions. All members of the public are welcome to join the tour. We ask that minors be accompanied by an adult.
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