Lomita residents can learn about the City’s drinking water and view water quality data in the 2019 Lomita Water Consumer Confidence Report, available online now at www.LomitaWater.com/CCR2019.
The water quality report link has been directly distributed to Lomita Water customers via a water bill insert to paper bill recipients and via email to eBilling recipients. Those who would like to receive a physical copy of the report can call the City of Lomita at 310-325-7110.
The 2019 Consumer Confidence Report is the first that Lomita Water is distributing electronically by sharing a link to the online report. Electronic delivery minimizes printing and mailing costs associated with the report and reduces paper consumption, while complying with the SDWA according to a 2013 interpretation by the State of California.
The Consumer Confidence Report is an annual water quality report required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The purpose of the Consumer Confidence Report is to raise customers’ awareness of the quality of their drinking water, where their drinking water comes from, what it takes to deliver water to their homes, and the importance of protecting drinking water sources.
In addition to including water quality data, this year’s report includes information about new programs and services available to help Lomita residents learn about the Lomita Water System. The report highlights the Lomita Water Infrastructure Tour Program, which has consisted of 15 public tours completed with more than 100 Lomita residents since the program launched in October 2019. The report also includes a link to a Lomita Water Infrastructure Explainer Video, which residents can view now (while the tour program is on hold due to COVID-19 precautions) to learn about the normal operations of the system.
For additional information on the Lomita Water System, and to sign for email notifications related to Lomita Water news, please visit www.lomitawater.com.
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